In my last post I spoke to the environmental benefits of solar energy. As I started to plan this next post I realized that these post go hand in hand. I say this because many of the factors that negatively impact the environment in the current energy production methods also impact the human body. At this time over 60% of all electricity produced is from carbon emitting fossil fuels.

The Harmful Impact of Emissions on The Body

When you start to look into the chemicals that are being released into our air by the burning of fossil fuels, of which over half is contributed to the emissions from energy production, it is clear that these chemicals are by no means meant for human consumption, in any form. Sulfur dioxide and nitrous dioxide are two of the main culprits in these harmful effects. But what is the real danger?

Adverse Effects on Health Attributed to Fossil Fuel Emissions

Even short term ( less than 24 hours) exposure to these emissions can have an adverse effect on people with or without preexisting conditions.

Short term effects include but are not limited to:

  • Inflammation of airways
  • Bronchoconstriction’s
  • Asthma symptoms

When Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide are released into the air they react in the atmosphere and create sulfate or nitrate fine particles. These particles are microscopic and they are able to penetrate deep into the lungs. The effects of these particles on the body include but are not limited to:

  • Bronchitis
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Cardiovascular Issues
  • Asthmatic Symptoms
  • Symptoms attributed to missed work days.
  • In extreme cases, linked to premature death.

These harmful effects are a very unfortunate truth that has followed traditional methods of energy production. But luckily for our species, there is an alternative that can truly make an impact!

Breath Easier knowing you have Solar

While of course 1 or two homes running on Solar wouldn’t make a dent in the emission. But Solar isn’t just a fleeting fad, but it is a very real alternative to conventional energy production. Seeing as solar energy is deemed clean energy, meaning letting of less than 1% of the emissions compared to fossil fuels, its a healthier alternative as well. As more and more folk’s make the switch to Solar, the amount of energy needing to be produced via fossil fuels is dropping. Less fossil fuel emissions equals cleaner air. The benefits are plain to see.

Do you want to find out if you qualify for Solar, and in doing so see how you can make an impact on cleaner air? Give us a call today at to schedule a free consultation!